The Commands of Christ

The Jesus Curriculum

We are in the process of preparing a print/published version of the Jesus Curriculum, the Master's plan for making disciples by teaching followers to obey the Commands of Christ. Stay tuned for its release coming in late 2023! 

In the meantime you can hear Pastor Rick Leineweber teaching on the commands below.

The Mission of the Church - Make Disciples

The Mission of the Church Part 1 - Make Disciples - Matthew 28:16-20

Why does the church exist? What is the ultimate mission and purpose for the bride of Christ? In this sermon series Pastor Rick Leineweber demonstrates from Matthew 28:16-20 that the mission of the church is to make disciples of all nations. This is how the church glorifies Jesus Christ until He returns.

This is the final and summary command of the Commands of Christ.

The Mission of the Church Part 2 - Go - Matthew 28:16-20

Why does the church exist? What is the ultimate mission and purpose for the bride of Christ? In this sermon series Pastor Rick Leineweber demonstrates from Matthew 28:16-20 that the mission of the church is to make disciples of all nations. This sermon continues to explain the participle "go," expressing the truth that this is a call for every single believer.

The Mission of the Church Part 3 - Baptize - Matthew 28:16-20

Why is baptism an integral part of the Great Commission? How is baptism part of the process of making disciples? Who are we to baptize? The New Testament knows nothing of a Christian who does not immediately respond in obedience in baptism. Baptism is an outward demonstration of an inward reality of repentance and faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is the outward identifying mark of the follower of Jesus. This continues the series by Pastor Rick Leineweber on the commands of Christ, unpacking Jesus' final command, "Make Disciples."

The Mission of the Church Part 4 - Teaching - Matthew 28:16-20

What does it look like to teach disciples all that Jesus commanded? What is the process of making a fully devoted follower of Jesus Christ? In this sermon Pastor Rick Leineweber explains that the process of making disciples must include teaching followers of Christ to obey all that He commanded. It is not just about information it is about transformation. This continues the series by Pastor Rick Leineweber on the commands of Christ, unpacking Jesus' final command, "Make Disciples."

Win Commands - For the Seeker

Come & See - John 1 - The Commands of Christ

This is the first command given by Jesus to His disciples. The purpose of this command is to call seekers to come and consider the claims of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus models being accessible to lost people and having eyes to see and a posture to relate to those who are far from God. Followers of Jesus must have this same posture towards the unbelieving world.

This episode of the Sermon Archive begins the series by Pastor Rick Leineweber on the commands of Christ, unpacking Jesus' command from John 1:35-51, "Come and See."

Fear God - Luke 12 - The Commands of Christ

The purpose of this command is to encourage seekers to address their fears that are keeping them from obeying Christ by repenting and believing in the gospel. Fear to go public with one’s faith can become a barrier to true saving faith. Proverbs 29:25 says, “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” A secondary purpose for this command is to help believers know how to respond to their lost friends who express reluctance in coming to Christ because of their fear. Once a person becomes a child of God his love for Christ has the potential to cast out all other fears (1 John 4:17-18), but before coming to Christ the one fear that casts out all other fears is the fear of God, who cannot only kill the body but cast it into hell (Luke 12:5; Hebrews 2:14-15; 9:27).

This episode of the Sermon Archive continues the series by Pastor Rick Leineweber on the commands of Christ, unpacking Jesus' command from Luke 12:1-12, "Fear" and "Do not Fear."

Covetousness - Luke 12 - The Commands of Christ

The purpose of this command is to call seekers to repentance by turning away from their god of wealth. To follow Jesus you must leave everything else behind and embrace only one Master and Lord, Jesus Christ. This command of Christ teaches us that following Jesus demands our complete devotion to His kingdom. Covetousness will destroy your heart. We are commanded to lay up treasure in heaven (Matthew 6:19-21) and only serve one Master (Matthew 6:24), we must take care against the deceitfulness of riches (Mark 4:19) and be on guard against the sin of covetousness.

This episode of the Sermon Archive continues the series by Pastor Rick Leineweber on the commands of Christ, unpacking Jesus' command from Luke 12:13-21, "Take Care" and "Be on your Guard."